Neutral Spine Conditioning Workouts:
Level 1 Workouts:
Level 2 Workouts:
Level 3 Workouts:

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Neutral Spine Conditioning Made Simple
It takes 6 weeks to condition yourself to perform your daily activities from neutral spine alignment. Your initial 8-pack will accomplish the following.
Week 1 – you will condition yourself to sit in neutral spine alignment.
Week 2 – you will condition yourself to stand in neutral spine alignment.
Week 3 – you will condition yourself to walk in neutral spine alignment.
Week 4 – you will condition yourself to pick object off the floor without faulty loading.
Week 5 + 6 – you will condition yourself to lift objects overhead without faulty loading.
You cannot unload your neck or low back until you restore your ability to maintain a Chest Lift® throughout the day.