Physical Therapy on Demand

About Us
Physical Therapy on Demand takes a completely different approach to treating pain. Most musculoskeletal pain conditions are a result of faulty joint positioning caused by collapsed posture. By applying reverse engineering to the problem, we are able to teach you how treat the foundation of your pain.
Our posture restoration system combines weekly online coaching sessions with our video-on-demand video library to safely guide you through 6 levels of neutral spine conditioning. This establishes a strong foundation for long-term injury management and prevention. Proprietary joint clearing techniques are built into each workout ensure you target the weaker muscles that restore healthy controlled movement.
During your 12-week journey through the program you will be provided with all the resources you need to treat the foundation of your pain from the comfort of your home, on your schedule and at your pace. Longevity fitness memberships are available for those that desire ongoing neutral spine based functional fitness coaching.
Our Story
Hello, my name is Todd Ball, I am a licensed physical therapist with 25 years of out-patient physical therapy experience. My wife Jennifer Ball is the lead movement educator at Physical Therapy on Demand. We are the mad scientist that created the Physical Therapy on Demand telehealth platform.
Jennifer and I realized early in our journey that insurance-based care was never going to allow us to help patients make the permanent changes needed to address the foundation of their condition. Most patients needed 6-8 weeks to condition themselves to function from healthy posture and another 6-8 weeks to condition themselves to return to fitness and sport activities without faulty loading after an injury.
We started providing post-PT maintenance classes to complete the conditioning required for long-term injury management. Those that participated in our maintenance program were able to get on top of their condition. Unfortunately, not all patients could afford a $300 monthly maintenance program.
To lower costs we put our maintenance program on video which brought the cost down to $30 a month. However, much can be lost in translation with unsupervised self-care and our re-injury rates started to rise.
The universe helped us fill this gap.