Injury Prevention Programs

We offer a wide range of injury prevention programs to help you stay injury free throughout the life span. Click on the program page below that best matches your needs. 

Two people are playing wii in a room.

"Injury prevention is much cheaper than injury management."

The best way to treat an injury is to prevent it. 

Technology has us all on a path to preventable medical procedures. We are spending a majority of each day in collapsed posture. Collapsed posture causes joint misalignments that serves as the foundation for most musculoskeletal pain conditions.  We applied reverse engineering to solve the problem.

The human skeletal system is designed to function from a precise posture.  Our online physical therapy system conditions you to perform your daily activities and fitness from healthy posture.  Additionally, joint clearing techniques are built into every workout to ensure you strengthen the right muscles every workout.  This breaks the faulty loading patterns that cause the joint misalignments that cause accelerated joint breakdown and pain.  We will establish a foundation for healthy joint loading. You will be discharged with all the resources you need for long-term injury management and injury prevention.

Our injury prevention programs are designed to keep your neutral spine fit throughout the lifespan.  We want all clients to progress to level 5 of the program to ensure they are conditioned to perform their fitness and sport activities from neutral spine alignment.  This ensures that their fitness programs serves their long term injury prevention needs. 

You cannot fix bad posture with a few exercises or stretches. You must achieve the following 6 milestones of physical wellness.

A blue square with the number 0 1 written on it.

Restore your ability to get into neutral spine alignment (week 1).

A blue square with the number 0 2 written on it.

Condition yourself to sit, stand and walk in a healthy posture (week 2).

A blue square with the number three written on it.

Organize your workspace to allow you to function from a healthy posture for 50% of your workday (week 3).

A blue square with the number four written on it.

Condition yourself to perform home and work tasks from neutral spine alignment (week 4).

A blue square with the number five written on it.

Perform fitness program without faulty loading in the neck and low back (week 6).

A blue background with the number six in white.

Perform sport and recreation activities from neutral spine alignment (week 8).