Telehealth PT for Runner's Knee Treat the problem at its foundation

Our telehealth physical therapy program for runner's knee will teach you how to address the foundatin of your knee pain from the comforts of home.  

Most Runner's Knee (IT band syndrome) conditions are caused by mechanical overload at the knee as a result of faulty loading at the hip.  

Conditioning yourself to function with your pelvis in its neutral position through core strengthening restores symmetrical loading through the hip and knees.  This promotes complete healing for long-term injury management and reduces your risk of re-injury.

We are experts in teaching you the exercises, lifestyle modifications and joint clearing techniques required to restore the healthy loading through your knees required for long-term injury management and prevention.  

Purchase a $50 a Telehealth Physical Therapy Consultation to get started.

Your Telehealth Physical Therapy Workout Schedule

Level 1:  Stand and walk from Neutral Spine Alignment.

Week 1: Watch Level 1 Workout (password protected)

  • Complete Tele-PT Workout #1
  • Complete Tele-PT Workout #2

Level 2: Get in/out of chair and bed without faulty loading.

Week 2: Watch Level 2 Workout (password protected)

  • Complete Tele-PT Workout #3
  • Complete Tele-PT Workout #4

Week 3:

  • Complete Tele-PT Workout #5
  • Complete Tele-PT Workout #6

Level 3: Pick object off floor and lift overhead without faulty loading.

Week 4+5: Watch Level 3 Workout (password protected)

  • Complete Tele-PT Workout #7
  • Complete Tele-PT Workout #8

Schedule Your Next Telehealth Coaching Session

You will achieve the following 6 functional fitness milestones.

A blue square with the number 0 1 written on it.

Restore your ability to get into neutral spine alignment (week 1).

A blue square with the number 0 2 written on it.

Condition yourself to sit, stand and walk in a healthy posture (week 2).

A blue square with the number three written on it.

Condition yourself to get in/out of chair and pick object off the floor with healthy loading in the low back and knees (week 3).

A blue square with the number four written on it.

Condition yourself to perform home and work tasks from neutral spine alignment (week 4).

A blue square with the number five written on it.

Perform fitness program without faulty loading in the neck and low back (week 6).

A blue background with the number six in white.

Perform sport and recreation activities from neutral spine alignment. (week 8).