Get Started A Complete Telehealth Physical Therapy Solution

Your journey toward healthy posture and independence in self-care of your musculoskeletal pain condition starts with a telehealth physical therapy screen to confirm that our neutral spine based functional fitness program is the best pathway for you to reach your goals.  During this telehealth screen a Physical Therapy on Demand PT will perform 4 functional movement screens. 

Your performance with the 4 movement screens will determine where you should be onboarded within our program.  The Physical Therapy on Demand platform combines weekly tele-PT coaching sessions with our video-on-demand video library to restore your ability to function from healthy posture.  We will explore all aspects of your daily routine to help you break the faulty loading patterns contributing to your pain.    

You may be referred to another medical provider for a more comprehensive evaluation if digital PT is not deemed to be most appropriate approach to help your reach your goals. 

A woman in white lab coat and headphones looking at laptop.

Purchase and schedule your Telehealth Physical Therapy Screen by following the steps below.