
Consuming medically supervised digital neutral spine conditioning services for long-term injury management and injury prevention from the comfort of your home requires a few guidelines.

PT on Demand is the exclusive distributor of the Healthy Posture System video library.  The Healthy Posture System combines 9 levels of neutral spine conditioning with proprietary joint clearing techniques to help restore movement from healthy posture.  PT on Demand is a telehealth platform that distributes the Healthy Posture System's video content through telehealth coaching sessions for those with active injuries.  The program is safe for anyone to complete that does not have an active injury.  It is safe to complete with medical supervision for most active pain conditions that do not require surgery.

Our Prehab programs are safe and powerful compliment to any upcoming surgery or medical procedure but require a tele-PT screen to ensure appropriateness even if prescribed by your physician.

We require that everyone aspiring to use the product to treat the foundation of their pain or for any other motivation to complete a telehealth PT screening to ensure the video content is appropriate for your needs and best match your goals.  The purchase of a Tele-PT Screening requires that your agree to all the policies below.

A woman is doing yoga on the floor