Physical Therapy after Regenerative Medicine

Do not Leave Your Recovery to Chance!

Don't leave your recovery from your regenerative medicine procedure to chance.  Our post-procedure neutral spine conditioning workouts will condition you to perform your daily activities without collapsed posture setting you up for a quicker and less painful recovery.

We will safely transition you back to fitness with healthy loading patterns in your neck, back, hips and knees.  You will be discharged with all the functional fitness needed for long term injury management and prevention.

A woman standing in front of a television.

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Level 1 (week 2):  Strategies for Relaxing and Sleeping in Neutral Spine Alignment.

Level 2 (Week 3): Get in/out of chair and bed without faulty loading.

Level 3 (Week 4): Functional Lifting for Home and Work.

Level 4 (Week 6): Fitness Level Functional Lifting.

A woman is squatting on the floor in front of a window.

Healthy Posture in 6 Weeks.

Before we can condition you to function from healthy posture we must restore your ability to get into neutral spine alignment. The Prehab workouts are designed to improve your spine, hip and shoulder mobility to allow you to unload your neck and low back through better posture. We will condition you to perform daily tasks with strategies that help you maintain healthy loading. These workouts are prescribed for all prehab clients and injury management clients that lack the ability to get into neutral spine alignment during their initial posture screen.

Program Milestones:

  • Week 2 - you will condition yourself to maintain neutral spine alignment when walking
  • Week 3 - you will condition yourself to get in/out of a chair without faulty loading in the neck, low back, hips and knees.
  • Week 4 - you will condition yourself to very light objects off the floor without faulty loading in the neck, low back, hips and knees.
  • Week 5 - you will condition yourself to lift very light object overhead without faulty loading in the neck and shoulders.
  • Week 6 - you will condition yourself for a safe return to pre-injury fitness without faulty loading patterns.
  • Week 8 - you will condition yourself for a safe return to sport and recreational activities without faulty loading patterns.

You cannot unload your neck or low back until you restore your ability to “Stack Your Upper Back!"