Physical Therapy before Regenerative Medicine
Don't Leave Your Recovery to Chance!
Completing our Prehab for Regenerative Medicine program will condition you to perform your daily activities from healthy posture to promote more complete recovery with less pain.
If you are in pain, you have likely developed protective movement patterns that have you functioning from collapsed posture. Restoring movement from healthy posture will ensure you get the most out of your regenerative medicine investment. You will learn strategies for healthier sleeping, driving, reading and lifting that establish a foundation for long-term injury management and injury prevention.

Visit our Pricing page for cost projections.
Schedule A Workout!
Level 1 (week 1): Stand and walk from Neutral Spine Alignment.
- Tele-PT Workout #1 - Level 1 Workout (password protected).
- Tele-PT Workout #2 - Review level 1 Workout; discuss sleeping strategies.
Level 2 (week 2): Get in/out of chair and bed without faulty loading.
- Tele-PT Workout #3 - Level 2 Workout (password protected)
- Tele-PT Workout #4 - Review level 2 Workout; perform workstation optimization.
Level 3 (week 3): Pick object off floor and lift overhead without faulty loading.
- Tele-PT Workout #5 - Level 3 Workout (password protected).
Week 4:
- Tele-PT Workout #6 - Review level 3 Workout; review driving and air travel.

You cannot unload your neck or low back until you restore your ability to “Stack Your Upper Back!"