Self-care Workouts

Most musculoskeletal pain conditions can be treated at their early stages with neutral spine conditioning.  Our Self-care Workout pages help those with musculoskeletal pain get on the right track for long-term injury management and prevention.  

The OTT sites above provide you with access to all the resources you need to safely condition yourself to perform your daily activities with healthy loading through your spine, shoulders, hips and knees.  Video access requires an active prescription which cost $39.99 a month which auto renews.  A PT on Demand PT or PTA is available to guide you through the program via tele-PT coaching sessions as you deem necessary and appropriate.  This program is only prescribed to those that have completed a Tele-PT posture screen and have demonstrated the ability to get into neutral spine alignment.

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Functional Mobility Exercises Made Simple.

Before we can condition you to function from healthy posture we must restore your ability to get into neutral spine alignment. The Prehab workouts are designed to improve your spine mobility to allow you to unload your neck and low back with better posture. We will condition you to perform daily tasks with strategies that help you maintain healthy loading. These workouts are prescribed for all prehab clients and injury management clients that lack the ability to get into neutral spine alignment during their initial posture screen.

You cannot unload your neck or low back until you restore your ability to “Stack Your Upper Back!"

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