Injury Management Reseller Program

Benefits of becoming a Reseller:

  • Expand scope of care to include post-PT digital maintenance
  • Add passive revenue (VOD subscription)
  • Improve client loyalty
  • Enhance client engagement
  • Diversify your revenue stream and delivery model
  • State-of-the-art post-PT digital telehealth platform
  • Reduce staff burnout and turnover
  • Differentiate yourself from your competition
  • Receive PT Telehealth referrals from PT on Demand
  • Lower your expansion and HR costs

Get the most out of every marketing dollar!

Expand Your Delivery Model and Revenue Stream

Our Injury Management Reseller Programs provides you with the ability to distribute our neutral spine based functional fitness workout videos and all the training you need to establish a state-of-the-art telehealth physical therapy platform. Our VOD library contains over 96 workout videos. There is no AI integrated into our delivery of telehealth or VOD services, only skilled movement observation and structured movement instruction. 

Prehab Video Library

  • Distribute levels 1-3 of the Prehab Video Library
  • Prehab for Medical Procedures Instructor Certification required
  • Branded Landing Page
  • Designated account manager
  • Potential for Telehealth Referrals for Prehab Program for Medical Procedures and Prehab Program for Surgery


Upper Quarter Video Library

  • Distribute levels 3-6 of the Healthy Posture System™
  • Upper Quarter Certification Required for Levels 1-3 of the Healthy Posture System™
  • Branded Landing Page
  • Designated account manager
  • Potential for PT Telehealth Referrals for the Healthy Neck and Healthy Shoulder Programs

Lower Quarter Video Library

  • Distribute levels 3-6 of the Healthy Posture System™
  • Lower Quarter Certification Required for Levels 1-3 of the Healthy Posture System™
  • Branded Landing Page
  • Designated account manager
  • Potential for PT Telehealth Referrals for the Healthy Back, Healthy Hip and Healthy Knee Programs

Upon completing of the reseller inquiry form below, PT on Demand will provide you with additional details on pro forma revenue models as well as program costs.

Complete This Intake Form to Get Started

Your patient's want in-home physical therapy and maintenance services, we are experts in making it powerful and irreplaceable.

Commonly Asked Questions